Standard interactions for test takers
This topic describes commonly used interactions and how to respond to them during an assessment.
Choice interaction
Choice interactions allow test takers to respond to a multiple choice question. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Choice interaction.
To complete this interaction, select an answer from the list. The amount of allowed choices is dependent on what is defined when the item is configured.

Choice interaction in TAO Advance
Order interaction
Order interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular order of elements: chronological orders, priority orders, alphabetical or numerical orders, orders of size, etc. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Order interaction.
To complete this interaction, select each item from the list and place them individually in the blank spaces (in the order defined in the question).

Order interaction in TAO Advance
Associate interaction
Associate interactions allow test takers to match associated words or phrases. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Associate interaction.
To complete this interaction, select associated items from the list and place them (as a couple) in the blank spaces.

Associate interaction in TAO Advance
Match interaction
Match interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge by accurately matching, or associating, selections from two different sets of elements. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Match interaction.
To complete this interaction, place check marks in squares where matching rows and columns intersect.

Match interaction in TAO Advance
Hottext interaction
Hottext interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge by identifying, among several selections within a body of text, a specific type of word or phrase (e.g. a grammatically incorrect element, misspelling, main character in a story, capital city). For more information on how to create this interaction, see Hottext interaction.
To complete this interaction, select the check marks next to the items in the test to identify them (according to to what is defined in the question).

Hottext interaction in TAO Advance
Gap Match interaction
Gap Match interactions provide a set of match words; some (but not all) of these words fit into gaps within a selected text passage. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Gap Match interaction.
To complete this interaction, select and paste the items in the list that fill in the gaps within the text.

Gap Match interaction in TAO Advance
Slider interaction
Slider interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge of a numerical estimate, such as a percentage, a total, etc. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Slide interaction.
To complete this interaction, slide the indicator on the horizontal scale to the correct numerical value.

Slider interaction in TAO Advance
Extended Text interaction
Extended Text interaction typically allows test takers to produce their own creative answer to an open-ended question, such as an essay or a longer response. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Extended text interaction.
To complete this interaction, enter (in the text box) a phrase, sentence, or passage in response to the defined question.

Extended Text interaction in TAO Advance
File Upload interaction
File Upload interactions provide an interface in which Test-takers can upload a pre-written essay, completed artwork, or other form of submission. Usually, these artifacts are scored manually by a human scorer. For more information on how to create this interaction, see File Upload interaction.
To complete this interaction, select or drop the file from your computer that pertains to the defined question/graphics.

File Upload interaction in TAO Advance
Media interaction
Media interactions allow test takers to view a multimedia presentation (image slide show, YouTube video, etc.), usually in connection with another interaction (such as a choice interaction). For more information on how to create this interaction, see Media interaction.
To complete this interaction, view or listen to the media provided with the question. Then complete the interaction by answering the question that is defined.

Media interaction with a choice interaction in TAO Advance
Inline Choice interaction
Inline Choice interactions allow test takers to complete a “Fill in the Blank” question with one choice taken from a selected list of answers. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Inline Choice interaction.
To complete this interaction, from each drop-down menu select the items that fill in the blanks within the text.

Inline Choice interaction in TAO Advance
Text Entry interaction
Text Entry interactions allow test takers to complete a “Fill in the Blank” question with an exact text answer. This interaction is added within a Text Block. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Text Entry interaction.
To complete this interaction, enter the correct word for each blank space within the text.

Text Entry interaction in TAO Advance
Hotspot interaction
Hotspot interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge by selecting portions of an image (regions on a map, people in a line-up, etc.). Graphic interactions require a graphic (image) as a reference point for interaction responses. For more information on how to create this type of interaction, see Hotspot interaction.
To complete this interaction, select a hotspot on the graphic according to what is defined in the question.

Hotspot interaction in TAO Advance
Graphic Order interaction
Graphic Order interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge of chronological order, orders of importance, etc. as seen on a graphic (map, photo, or other image). Graphic interactions require a graphic (image) as a reference point for interaction responses. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Graphic Order interaction.
To complete this interaction, select each hotspot in the order defined in the question. Unselect a hotspot to remove it from the order.

Graphic Order interaction in TAO Advance
Graphic Associate interaction
Graphic Associate interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge by depicting routes on a map or graphic in a prescribed way. This can be used for drawing out historical military marches, route-planning exercises, connecting the dots to form a missing piece of an image, etc. Graphic interactions require a graphic (image) as a reference point for interaction responses. For more information on how to create this type of interaction, see Graphic Associate interaction.
To complete this interaction, select associated hotspots from the graphic to group them in couples.

Graphic Associate interactions in TAO Advance
Graphic Gap interaction
Graphic Gap interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge about geographical regions, identify facts about portions of images (people in a group photo, etc.), or show other similar capabilities in picture matching. Graphic Gap interactions require a graphic (image) as a reference point for interaction responses. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Graphic Gap interaction.
To complete this interaction, select the graphic items that correspond with defined question, and place them on the central graphic.

Graphic Gap interaction in TAO Advance
Select Point interaction
Select Point interactions allow test takers to demonstrate their knowledge by selecting an invisibly-defined portion of an image (region on a map, person in a line-up, etc.). Select Point interactions require a graphic (image) as a reference point for interaction responses. For more information on how to create this interaction, see Select Point interaction.
To complete this interaction, select the point on the central graphic that corresponds with the defined question.

Select Point interaction in TAO Advance