QTI Interactions
Question and Test Interoperability Interactions (QTIs) are the classical Interactions recognized by the QTI standard. There are three categories of QTI interaction: Common Interactions, Inline Interactions, and Graphic Interactions.
In TAO, the following Common Interactions can be used in the creation of assessment items:

Common Interactions
The Inline Interactions contain text-based elements. In TAO, the following Inline Interactions can be used in the creation of test items:

Inline Interactions
Graphic Interactions contain graphic elements. In TAO, the following Graphic Interactions can be used in the creation of test items:

Graphic Interactions
See the separate chapters in this section on each of the QTI interactions for information on how to use each one.
To create any of these types of interaction, once you have created a new Item, click on the Common Interactions, Inline Interactions or Graphic Interactions library on the left, depending on the type you want to use, and drag the appropriate interaction type onto the blank Item. Drop it onto the canvas, and then populate the Item.