Test navigation for test takers
This topic describes how test takers navigate assessments and view the assessment overview panel, as well as what test takers see when certain options are configured (timers, multiple attempts, warnings, item feedback).
For TAO Advance users, these warnings are hardcoded and cannot be enabled/disabled in Test settings.
Linear navigation confines test takers to responding to each question in the order of which they are numbered. Test takers cannot skip and return to unanswered questions.
To navigate through the assessment and submit answers, press the right arrow button adjacent to the number line. For test takers using keyboard navigation, select Tab>right arrow>Enter to select the blue arrow button - this moves the test taker to the next question and submits their answer.
Test takers may view which question they are on in the bottom-left corner:

Non-linear navigation allows test takers to jump to different questions (within a part, if configured) and complete the assessment in any order. Test takers can skip questions and return to them.
To navigate through the assessment, select a question’s number on the number line or use the arrow buttons adjacent to the number line. To submit an answer, click the blue arrow button. For test takers using keyboard navigation, select Tab>right/left arrows>Enter to move through the number line, and Tab>right arrow>Enter on the blue arrow button to submit an answer.

Non-linear test navigation
Overview panel
The Overview panel, if activated by the Test Author, will appear on the left of the assessment interface.
The Overview panel is organized so that test takers can view all interactions within the entire assessment, assessment part, or section within a part. From this interface, test takers can also see which questions they ran out of time for, left incomplete, and bookmarked. To jump to a specific interaction, select the corresponding number from the Overview panel.
If an assessment is configured with different parts, the Overview panel will exclusively show interactions within each part.

Overview for the first Part of an assessment
To exit the overview panel, click the X icon in the top left corner, or select Go back to the question in the bottom right corner.
Submission warnings
End test
Test takers will receive a warning before submitting an assessment (once complete).

End Test warning
Next part
Test takers will receive a warning before moving on to a subsequent assessment part. If configured, test takers will be able to review their answers from the part they have completed before submission.

Next Assessment Part warning
Timed section
Test takers will receive a warning if they have reached the defined time limit for an assessment section before moving on to the subsequent assessment section.

Timed section warning
Timed part
Test takers will receive a warning if they have reached the defined time limit for an assessment part before moving on to the subsequent assessment part. If configured, test takers will be able to review their answers from the part they have completed before submission.

Timed part warning
Incomplete submission
Test takers will receive a warning if they attempt to submit an assessment with unanswered/incomplete questions. Test takers may then decide to submit the assessment, or return to the assessment to complete the questions (if non-linear navigation is configured).

Incomplete submission warning
Multiple attempts
Test authors may configure specific interactions to allow multiple answering attempts. If configured, test takers will see how many attempts they have left at the top of the interface (above the question).
If the assessment navigation is configured as linear, test takers can skip a question with multiple attempts but they will not be able to return to that question (even if there are more attempts available).

Multiple attempts - linear navigation
If the assessment navigation is non-linear, test takers can return to a question with multiple attempts to re-submit their answer.

Multiple attempts - non-linear navigation
If timers are configured, test takers may view how much time they have left to complete an assessment, or its individual parts, sections, or questions. The timers display at the top-left of the interface.

Timers in TAO Advance
If test takers do not complete the assessment, part, section, or interaction within the confined time limit they will receive a warning that the time limit has been reached (see the Submission warnings section above).
Interaction feedback
If configured, some interactions will provide feedback on the test takers' response once it is submitted. This feedback includes whether or not the question was answered correctly, and can provide further information to the test taker on the interaction’s content. For more information on how to include feedback, see Giving hints and feedback to the test-taker.

Choice interaction with feedback (question)

Choice interaction with feedback (feedback)