Sessions management
Session management can be accessed via the Sessions tile upon login, or via the top bar menu (Sessions).
Sessions Management is accessible by the following roles:
By the Global Admin without any restrictions.
By the Group Manager, who will only see the sessions linked to the groups in which they are enrolled as a Group manager.
For more information on group-related roles, see Global and Group roles.
The image below shows the Session management landing page:

Session management
Admins and Group Managers will see a table listing all Sessions:
Name: The name assigned to a session.
Group: The group assigned to a session. This cannot be updated after the session is created.
Open date: The date the session becomes available to test-takers to start. If no date is defined, the session become available immediately after creation.
Close date: The date the session becomes unavailable for test-takers to start. If no date is defined, the test is available without any time limit, or until it is deleted.
Activity: Displays the number of test takers who have enrolled, started, and finished an assessment.
The list can be ordered by Name, Group, Open date, or Close date.
The search box on top-left of the table can be used to search sessions by Name, Group, Open date, or Close date.
Related links: