Editing an existing session
To find a specific session, use the search bar in the top-left corner of the Sessions management interface in the TAO Portal.
You can edit existing sessions by clicking the ellipses button (…) in the row of the session you want to update.
A menu will be presented with the available actions:
Edit: Opens a page similar to the one used to create new sessions, but prefilled with the available data of the session you are updating.
Preview: Allows you to launch the published test assigned to the session and verify the experience of the test-taker.
Delete: Enables you to delete a given session.
Any information can be updated, except the group to which the session is assigned.
IMPORTANT: You can also edit a live session by entering a session and selecting the ellipses button (…) in the top-right of the window. Changing a session after some test-takers have started it could create unexpected and unfair situations and should be considered carefully.