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Removing default instructions (TAO Advance)

TAO Advance provides the ability to remove TAO-generated instructions from the following interactions: Choice, Order, Associate, Match, Hottext, File Upload, Graphic Hotspot, Graphic Order, Graphic Associate, or Graphic Select Point interactions.

TAO-generated instructions are presented in a grey box directly above the interaction during a session.

TAO-generated instructions

TAO-generated instructions

Removing the default text is useful if you want to create your own instructions without the potential repetition and confusion of including both your custom instructions and what is provided by TAO.

Select an item and navigate to Authoring. In the Item Properties panel, select Remove Instructions to remove all TAO-generated instructions.

Remove default instructions

Remove default instructions

If this option is selected, no warnings will display when constraints are met. For more information on constraints, see Placing constraints on the response.

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