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Test scores are determined by a student’s performance in the various Items of a Test. There are several ways to configure the scoring methods used for test items, and the resulting individual item scores can be tallied using different methods to produce the final test result. Results are generated for Tests which have been completed by a Test-taker, or a Group of test-takers.

The scoring process is made of two steps: 

  • The individual items which make up a test must be configured for scoring. Many items can be scored using one of the automatic scoring methods available in TAO, whilst some will need to be scored manually. The scoring methods to be employed for specific items or tests need to be defined before they can be used in assessments, during item authoring.

  • These item scores must be tallied to produce an overall score for the test. After all the test items' scoring has been configured, there are various ways in which a score for the whole test can be produced (and test results generated) - this test scoring method is configured when tests are put together, in test authoring.

The next section provides a detailed look at the possibilities for configuring scoring the individual items in a test, followed by a section which examines the options for generating test scores.

Results in TAO include several different types of information. For details on what results tables contain, as well as how to manage the results of a test, see Reporting.

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