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Management in TAO involves managing the users for your TAO installation as well as overseeing the functionalities it provides for them to use.

You will have the role of Global Manager. This functional role allows full access to TAO. In this role you will be responsible for granting users access rights to specific areas of TAO (via User Management). The chapter Main roles tells you what the main user roles in TAO are, whilst the chapter Atomic roles will give you information on roles which can be used to provide limited access to areas of TAO. The chapters on Users tells you how to add new users to your TAO instance and edit the details of existing users, as well as how to manage those users. Information on how to configure your personal settings as an individual user is given in User settings.

Using the information in the Permissions chapter, you can define the areas that specific users in your TAO instance have access to, and what they can do in those areas.

Finally, you can also add new functionalities to your TAO installation and provide various TAO customizations. How to do this is described in the chapter Extensions Manager.

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