User settings
This section of TAO allows you to configure your personal settings.
On smaller screens the following settings may be hidden under the ☰ symbol.
Click on your user name on the top right corner and select either My Settings or Change Password.
My Settings
On the My Settings tab, you will have the ability to select your Interface language, as well as to set your Time zone.
Except for English US, most of the additional languages in TAO are contributions from our community. As a result, their completeness varies between languages.
You can check the status of your language on our contribution site as well as adding contributions there!

Changing your settings
Change Password
On the Change Password tab, you will have the ability to change your password by first typing your current password and then typing a new password and confirming it by typing it a second time.

Changing your password
For TAO Ignite users, password changes are made through the TAO Portal. For more information, see Customizing an account in the TAO Portal.