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Atomic roles

Atomic Roles in TAO are granular roles which allow users only very restricted access to (and restricted capabilities in) a particular area of TAO. They can, however, be combined to create higher-level roles.

The atomic roles in TAO can be divided into three categories:

  • roles which grant the user viewing rights

  • roles which grant the user right to edit some area or object in TAO

  • roles which grant the user some form of managerial rights, i.e. organise TAO objects.

These roles have been implemented with the creation and management of items and assets in mind. Many of them, therefore, exist in parallel – in other words, a role used for Items often has an equivalent for Assets. For this reason, parallel roles have been grouped together as they have the same description.

The following sections give a list of the roles for each of the three categories. A description is provided for each role in that section.


Item/Asset previewer: Users with these roles can view items/assets.

Item/Asset revision history viewer: Users with these roles can view the revision history of items/assets.

Item/Asset viewer: Users with these roles can view the properties of an item/asset (but not the item/asset itself).

Item/Asset class navigator: Users with these roles can navigate the item/asset library and view the properties of each class within the relevant library.


Item/Asset resource creator: Users with these roles can create items/assets -the latter applies to new passages only.

Item/Asset content creator: Users with these roles can author (or modify) existing items/assets. In the case of assets, this role can also replace the asset with a new one.

Item class editor: Users with this role can edit the properties of a class of items (e.g. add a new property in order to classify it according to new criteria).

Item/Asset properties editor: Users with these roles can edit the properties of an item/asset (for example add a new property in order to classify it according to new criteria).


Item class creator: Users with this role can create a new class of items.

Item class schema manager: Users with this role can view and edit the ‘Managed Schema’ of an item, and add new properties to it (e.g. add a new property in order to classify it according to new criteria).

Item manager: Users with this role can copy or duplicate an item.

Item/Asset importer: Users with these roles can import an item/asset, or a package of items/assets.

Asset exporter: Users with this role can export an asset.

Item/Asset deleter: Users with these roles can delete an item/asset.

Item/Asset revision creator: Users with these roles can create a new version of an item/asset and add a descriptive message to define it.

Item/Asset revision manager: Users with these roles can restore a past version of an item/asset (in other words, reinstate an old version from the item/asset history).

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