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Installing TAO (TAO Core)

TAO can be installed on many different operating systems. This section gives instructions for installing TAO on the main ones.

This section includes a chapter on the Prerequisites for installing TAO on your computer, as well as detailed instructions for its installation on the following operating systems:

Once TAO is on your server, you can either install TAO via the command-line or through the web installer. The chapter Web Installer can tell you how to do this.

Finally, there is a chapter on how to upgrade your TAO version from an old version to the latest one.

TAO Browser Requirements

  • Chrome - Versions 123, 124

  • Edge - Versions 123, 124

  • Firefox - Versions 124, 125

  • Safari - Versions 16, 17

  • Chrome/Android - Version 124

  • Firefox/Android - Version 125

  • Safari/iOS - Versions 16, 17

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