The following instructions are for installing TAO on MacOS Mojave.
The following instructions are for MacOS Mojave and utilizes /Users//tao as the working directory and the DocumentRoot. Should you choose a different Operating System version, directory location, or DocumentRoot you will need to adjust these paths as appropriate. These instructions make the assumption that you have access to the command line.
Server Preparation
You will need to install brew on your system if you have not already done so, in order to install various software packages such as http, php, and mariadb:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Verify your brew installation:
brew --version
brew doctor
Install wget, composer and git in order to install TAO:
brew install wget composer git
Install and start PHP 7.2
brew install php@7.2
php -v
brew services start php
Configure Apache
As MAcOS Mojave comes with a default Apache2, we will need to stop and de-install it to be able to install our own:
sudo apachectl stop
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist 2>/dev/null
Now we are ready to install and start httpd:
brew install httpd
brew services start httpd
Using the editor of your choice, you will need to configure Apache. If you are using virtual hosts, you will need to follow the Apache instructions which can be found here ( ):
nano /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
Configure the port to 80 vs 8080:
#Listen 8080
Listen 80
Configure ServerName:
ServerName <hostname or IP>
Set user and group:
User <user>
Group <group>
Change DocumentRoot and configure directory;
DocumentRoot /Users/<user>/tao
<Directory /Users/<user>/tao>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
You will need to configure Apache to use the mod_rewrite and php@7.2 modules:
LoadModule rewrite_module lib/httpd/modules/
LoadModule php7_module /usr/local/opt/php@7.2/lib/httpd/modules/
You will also want to configure Apache to serve PHP pages first by editing the dir_module section to have index.php first.
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
<FilesMatch \.php$>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
Configure MariaDB
For the database we will be using MariaDB. which we will install with brew:
brew install mariadb
brew services start mariadb
At this point you can log in to the database and create a new user and/or database for installing TAO, if you wish. You might also want to secure your login at this time.
Create a new database and user for TAO:
create database <database>;
create user '<user>'@'localhost' identified by '<password>';
grant all privileges on <database>.* to '<user>@'localhost' with grant option;
flush privileges;
Install TAO
Download the Tao Package from the website or GitHub and prepare to install:
sudo mv TAO_3.3.0-RC2_build /Users/<user>/tao
Or use Git to download the latest release from GitHub directly:
git clone /Users/<user>/tao
cd /Users/<user>/tao
git checkout release-3.3-rc02
Verify your Apache configuration and restart Apache:
apachectl configtest
brew services restart httpd
Ensure the correct version of composer is used. By default, the version of composer installed on MacOS is composer 2. Before you can install TAO you will need to downgrade this to version 1, with the following command:
sudo composer self-update --1
Install TAO components on to the server utilizing composer and then change ownership of the newly created tao directory to the Apache user:
cd /Users/<user>/tao
composer install
Install MathJax on the server if needed.
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod u+x
sudo ./
You can now complete your installation either on the command line with the following command:
sudo -u www-data php tao/scripts/taoInstall.php \
--db_driver pdo_mysql \
--db_host localhost \
--db_name <db_name> \
--db_user <user> \
--db_pass <password>\
--module_namespace http://<hostname or IP>/first.rdf \
--module_url http://<hostname or IP> \
--user_login <user> \
--user_pass <password> \
-e taoCe
in which case your TAO instance will be available at:
http://<hostname or IP>
Or you can install TAO in your browser by going to http://<hostname or IP>
if you have followed the instructions above. If you have not followed the above instructions for your Apache configuration you will need to adjust the URL as appropriate.