Taking public tests in TAO Portal
Public session allow test takers, including non-authenticated users, to familiarize themselves with TAO tests. Public sessions do not produce exportable results.
In the TAO Portal login page, select Public Sessions.
Public sessions - login page
In the Public sessions tab, press Start to begin a session.
In the user info menu, select Log Out to redirect to the TAO Portal login page. Test takers taking public assessments are anonymous within the Portal.
Open and Close dates
A session configured with an open and/or close date will display those dates on the session tile.
Sessions with a future open date will display as Upcoming in the My Sessions tab. Once the session is open, the test taker can start the session at any point until the close date.
Monitoring a public session
Though public sessions do not produce exportable results, you can extract information about how many users executed a public test. Admins can view how many anonymous users took the test via the monitor live feature.

Monitoring a live session