Using calculators
There are three different types of calculator available in TAO: The simple calculator provides you with a basic calculator, the BODMAS calculator provides you with a calculator which functions according to the BODMAS rule, and the scientific calculator provides you with a calculator for solving science, engineering and mathematical problems. For information on configuring calculators, see Test-taker tool configuration .

Normal, BODMAS, and Scientific calculators
Calculators are available for certain Tests. If one of these calculators has been enabled for the test you are taking, you will see ‘Calculator’ on the blue bar at the bottom of your test. Click on it to activate it.
Test-taker aids such as calculators can be activated either for a whole Section of a test, or for each Item. They are not activated for every test – this depends on the test configuration. It is not possible to choose between the types of calculator: the type which has been activated for your test is the one that will appear when you click on ‘Calculator’.

Using a BODMAS calculator
This function is only available if it has been enabled by the item author.