Use cases for LTI integration with TAO
This topic describes which TAO tools and features are available once an LMS is integrated with TAO via LTI. For more information on integration and registration, see LTI integration in the TAO Portal.
Use cases for content developers/test authors
Authoring TAO assessments on an LMS is possible through integration with TAO Authoring.
Creating assessment content
Test authors can use an embedded TAO Authoring tool to create their items and tests, while using the LMS platform to deliver the tests. Educators can then link deliveries to assignments and modules via DeepLinking.
For more information on authoring tests in an LMS, see the following topics:
Use cases for test administrators/teachers
Configuring and launching deliveries (for assessments) is possible through integration with TAO Advance.
Creating a link to a test
Deep Linking enables educators to link TAO's published deliveries to LMS tasks/activities with all supported LMS platforms.
For more information, see the following topics:
Launching a delivery for students
Once a delivery is selected (via DeepLinking) via LTI connection, it becomes available for students in the LMS. Students may access these TAO-authored assessments in their Assignments (in the Courses segment of the LMS platform).
For an illustration of how this works in Canvas, see Using Canvas as a test taker.
Launching a test preview or dry run
If the preview (or dry run) mode is enabled for a delivery, users with access to the test can take the test without generating results (which is useful for practice or familiarization assessments).
Launching session monitoring
Test administrators (proctors) can view and monitor sessions while they are underway in the LMS using TAO Proctoring via LTI. Monitoring a live session allows proctors to view and manage a session while it is in progress. LTI/LMS integration permits proctors to monitor a session by adding a specific parameter when configuring a link to a test. For more information, see the following topics:
Sending scores back to the gradebook via AGS
TAO returns assessment results to the LMS using Assignment and Grade Services (AGS). For manually scored assessments, additional configuration is required.
From the Courses menu in an LMS, select Grades to preview the scores of completed assessments. Once an assignment has been graded, you can view the score on both the Assignments and Grades tabs of the Courses section.
Use cases for scorers
Scoring TAO assessments on an LMS is possible through integration with TAO Grader.
Grading a test session
If a session contains items that require manual scoring, LTI integration allows scorers to grade TAO tests within the LMS platform.