LTI integration in the TAO Portal
Through IMS Global Learning Consortium’s Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) standard, LTI integration provides a centralized location for users to create tests using TAO authoring, and deliver and take tests in an LMS platform.
Registering TAO with LTI 1.3
In order to register TAO with LTI and an LMS, please contact your Account Manager; registering TAO with LTI 1.3 must be done by a TAO Administrator. This registration must be configured prior to using TAO tools within the LMS :
Registration occurs once for every account, and is customized according to the account’s needs and which LMS the account is using.
Prior to registration, third-party users must provide the following to TAO:
Audience value that will be used to issue the tokens
Optional: Access token URL (if AGS is required)
Authentication URL for OIDC
TAO will provide the following to complete registration on the LMS side:
Tool-issued LTI message audience value
OICD initiation endpoint path
JWKS URL to validate our tool-issued LTI messages
Client ID
The third-party tool will provide the following after TAO is added as an external app:
Deployment ID
For an example of how TAO is linked to an LMS platform (once it is registered), see Example of LMS integration: Canvas | Adding-TAO-as-an-external-app.

LTI developer keys in the Canvas LMS platform
Supported LMS platforms
TAO Advance supports integration with any LMS platforms using LTI 1.3, including commonly used platforms such as Canvas, Moodle, etc.