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Groups are organized collections of Test-takers who take the same Tests (or assessments) throughout the duration of a course of study.

This section provides an overview of how to manage your groups of test-takers, including what you need to do to create groups, add new test-takers to groups, and how to re-use the same groups in different locations.

  • Creating a new group
    Since a group is made up of individual test-takers, it is necessary to create a profile for each test-taker (see the section on Creating Test-takers) prior to assigning test-takers to groups. Once this has been completed, groups of test-takers can be created.

  • Extending a group
    The section Creating a new Group also contains information on how to add test-takers to existing groups.

  • Importing and exporting groups
    Groups of test-takers can be imported to and exported from different storage devices, to enable them to be used in different test scenarios.

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