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Exporting and interpreting CSV session results

TAO Portal provides a beta version of a feature that allows you to download a session’s results in a CSV file. This topic describes how to download a CSV file for a session’s results, and how to interpret the file.

Enabling CSV results

Follow the instructions in Customizing an account in the TAO Portal | Enabling-beta-features. Make sure the CSV results option is saved before you save your changes.

Exporting the CSV results file

  1. Enter the session for which you want to obtain a results file.

  2. In top-right, select Export CSV. This will trigger the CSV file to be created in TAO.

Export CSV button

Export CSV button

  1. When the file is ready, select Download CSV in the green notification box. The CSV file containing the session’s results will now be available in your Downloads.

CSV file fields and descriptions

The fields listed below are present in the CSV session results file, and are described in datastoreDeliveryResults (with the exception of

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