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Editing an existing user

To find a specific user, use the search bar in the top-left corner of the Users interface in the TAO Portal.

You can edit existing users by clicking the ellipses () located at the right of the row for each user. A menu will be presented with the available actions:

  • Edit: The Edit action will open a page similar to the one used to create new users, but prefilled with available data of the selected user.

  • Activate/Deactivate: The Activate or Deactivate actions allow admins to change a user’s status. Inactive users cannot login.

Editing a user

The only field that cannot be updated is the Username. All other information can be updated when editing a user.

By default, the possibility to change the password is not shown, but can be enabled by clicking on the Change password radio button:

editing a user's password

Editing a user’s password

For more information on user settings, see Creating a new user.

IMPORTANT: Changing the global or group-related role impacts the behavior of TAO Portal for the given users and should be considered carefully. For more information on roles, see Global and Group roles.

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