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Viewing a test taker's report

The Report option in the session overview page allows test or session administrators to view the session report for an individual test taker.

To find a specific session, use the search bar in the top-left corner of the Sessions management interface in the TAO Portal. You can search for sessions by name or group.

1. Select Enter session on the right side of the session you want to view.

A table displays all test takers assigned to the session.

2. Select a test taker.

The following actions are available for Admins, Group Managers, and Scorers when a test taker has completed the assessment:

  • Report

  • Review test

  • Score

  • Exempt (only available to Admins and Group Managers)

report option session overview

Session overview - Report

3. Select Report to view a test taker’s report.

At the top of the report, the following session details are available:

  • When the test taker’s session was started/submitted

  • Their time spent on the session

  • Group

  • Score

The report also contains the following information on the test taker’s assessment with corresponding graphics: score, response details, time spent per question, and performance per question.


This section’s graphic displays the test taker’s score compared to the average score of the assigned group.

Response details

This section’s graphic displays how many of the test taker’s interactions were correct, incorrect, partially correct, or skipped.

Time spent per question

This section’s graphic displays how much the test taker spent per item. The blue lines represent the test taker’s time; the grey lines represent the group’s average time per item.

On the left of the graph, each item displays separately.

Performance per question

This section’s graphic displays each item’s state/the test taker’s score per item, and how the response was graded:

  • Correct: The item was answered correctly.

  • Incorrect: The item was answered incorrectly.

  • Not seen: The item was not viewed/answered.

  • Partially correct: Partial credit was awarded for the item.

  • Seen: The item was viewed and submitted without a score being computed. This item state typically designates an informational item (for example, an item with instructions but no interaction).

  • Skipped: The item was viewed but unanswered.

All unanswered or skipped items will be regarded as incorrect. 

3. To download a copy of the report, select Download PDF in the top-right of the page.

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