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Test navigation

Test-takers navigate through a Test using the buttons which appear on the bottom right of the screen once they have begun the test.

There are five navigation buttons, which appear when applicable:

Next: By selecting the Next button, you will be taken to the next question in the test. The answer given to the question on the screen will be submitted for processing. You can also hit the letter J on your keyboard instead.

Skip: By selecting the Skip button, you will be taken to the next question in the test. Any answer given to the question on the screen will be disregarded, and therefore not submitted for processing.

Previous: By selecting the Previous button, you will be taken back to the preceding question. You can also hit the letter K on your keyboard instead.

End test: This button appears on the last page of the test only, after the last question. It will take you back to the list of available tests.

Skip and End test: This button will skip any remaining questions and take you back to the list of available tests. It appears as the skip option when on the last question on the last page of the test.

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