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Review panel

A Review Panel can be made available to Test-takers, in which they can see their progress through a particular Test.

When you move to the first question of a test, the review panel, if activated by the Test Author, will automatically appear on the left.

The review panel is divided into two parts: the first section shows information about the general Test Status, and the second section gives more detailed information on the different Test-parts.

In Test Status the following general statistics are given about the your progress:

Viewed: In the Viewed box, you can see how many of the test questions you have already viewed.

Answered: Here, you can see how many questions there are in the test, and how many you have answered.

Unanswered: You can see here how many of the questions in the test you have not answered

Flagged: The number of questions which have been flagged for later review will be shown in this box. Flagging an answer to a particular question allows you to review the answer at a later stage. You can do this by clicking on ‘Flag for Review’ on the blue bar. You can return to flagged items by clicking on the flag in the review panel.

In the second section, the test content for each Test-part is broken down by Interaction, and organized into types, so that you can see a more detailed overview of your progress.

By selecting the corresponding icon at the top of the second section, you can choose to display all interactions, only the interactions you have not yet answered, or only the interactions which have been flagged for review.

You can hide the panel by clicking Hide Review.

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