Progress information
Progress information about a test is provided in the form of a timer, a progress bar which gives the percentage of the test which has been completed, and a connection indicator, which gives information on connectivity.
You will find these three utilities on the top right of the Test Runner:

Timer, Progress Bar, Connection Indicator
If a time limit has been set for a test, the time you have left will be shown in the middle of the bar across the top of the screen once the test has been started. You can choose to hide this if you wish, by clicking on the timer next to the time display. Note that when you set timers on multiple levels, for instance, one for the test and one for a section, they will appear side-by-side.
Progress Bar
This bar indicates the overall progress in the test as a percentage.
Connection Indicator
When you begin a test, a connection indicator in the form of a connectivity icon will appear on the left-hand side of the blue bar across the top. The symbol changes when the connection is lost, i.e. it will have a slash through. You can also check connectivity by hovering over it: if your computer is connected to the internet, the message Connected to Server will appear.