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Maintenance mode

Sometimes it is necessary to take your TAO installation off-line and you can make it unavailable to users by placing it into Maintenance Mode.

To set TAO into maintenance mode, you will need to run the following command in the directory where you installed TAO:

For Ubuntu:

sudo -u www-data php index.php 'oat\tao\scripts\tools\maintenance\Disable'

For CentOS:

sudo -u apache php index.php 'oat\tao\scripts\tools\maintenance\Disable'

To take your TAO out of maintenance mode, you will need to run the following command in the directory where you installed TAO:

For Ubuntu:

sudo -u www-data php index.php 'oat\tao\scripts\tools\maintenance\Enable'

For CentOS:

sudo -u apache php index.php 'oat\tao\scripts\tools\maintenance\Enable'
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