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Group management

Users need to be enrolled in a group in order to be assigned to an assessment (session).

Groups can be created by both Admins and Group Creators. For more information on group-related roles, see Global and Group roles.

Groups management can be accessed via the Groups tile upon login, or via the top bar menu (Groups).

The image below shows the Group management landing page:

view for admins in groups management

Groups management landing page

Admins will see a list of all groups in their organizational unit (and any units under it). Group Managers see a list of all groups where they are assigned as a Group Manager. Scorers can see a list of all groups where they are assigned as a Scorer, even though they will not have all the functionality available to a Group Manager.

The Groups management page displays the following information for all groups the user has access to:

  • Name: The name assigned to a group. Names can be updated.

  • Description: A brief description of a group’s users and/or purpose.

  • Test-takers: Displays how many Test-takers are in a group.

  • Scorers: Displays how many Scorers are in a group.

  • Group managers: Displays how many Group managers are in a group.

  • Sessions: Displays how many sessions are associated with a group.

  • Organizational unit: Displays which organizational unit (OU) a group is assigned to. For more information, see Organization management.

The list can be ordered by Name or Description.

The search box on top-left of the table can be used to search groups by Name or Description.

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