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Importing/updating users (with an existing group)

The CSV Import feature provides premade templates for the most commonly used import options. This topic provides samples of CSV imports for adding new or existing users to a new group, and information on each entity in the corresponding template.

For information on how to create a CSV file, see Importing data using a CSV file.

For information on importing a group, see Importing/updating groups.

Linking a new user with an existing group

  1. In the Bulk import data window, select Download CSV templates.

  2. In your downloads, open link-new-user-to-groups.csv.

  3. In the CSV file, populate each selection field with your information according to the entities defined in each column (in the top row of the template table).

Sample CSV file format for importing a new user with an existing group:

user1,UserName,password,userEmail,EN-US,TRUE,TEST_TAKER,Group A,root,TRUE

The top line (or row) designates the entities for which you will enter values in the corresponding fields below.

Linking an existing user with an existing group

For information on importing a new user, see Importing/updating users.

  1. In the Bulk import data window, select Download CSV templates.

  2. In your downloads, open link-existing-user-to-groups.csv.

  3. In the CSV file, populate each selection field with your information according to the entities defined in each column (in the top row of the template table).

Sample CSV file format for importing an existing user with an existing group:


The top line (or row) designates the entities for which you will enter values in the corresponding fields below.



  • user_username

    • The username used to identify the user on TAO Portal.

    • Entering a value for this field is mandatory when creating or updating a user, but cannot be changed after creation.

  • user_password

    • The username’s password used to identify on TAO Portal. A password needs to be 8 characters long with at least one upper case, one lower case, and a special character.

This field is only mandatory when creating a new user.

  • group_name

    • References an existing group.

    • Entering a value for this field is mandatory when creating or updating a user’s assignment.

    • You can add the same user to multiple groups by adding the user to multiple rows.

  • user_organizationId

Users must be defined for the same organizational level, or a higher level, than the group they are assigned to.


  • user_name

    • The user’s name.

  • user_email

    • An email assigned to a user.

  • user_language

    • From the list of available locales:

      • en-US - English (USA)

      • no-NO - Norwegian

      • de-DE - German

      • pt-BR - Portuguese (Brasil)

      • es-ES - Spanish

      • lt-LT - Lithuanian

      • it-IT - Italian

      • nl-NL - Dutch

      • pt-PT - Portuguese (Portugal)

      • ro-RO - Romanian

      • he-IL - Hebrew

      • fr-FR - French

      • ja-JP - Japanese

    • No default value.

  • user_active

    • To create an enabled (active), or disabled (inactive) user. Inactive users cannot login.

    • If left empty, the default value is Active (TRUE). Add FALSE to flag the group as inactive.

    • If the numeric values 1 and 0 are used, they are automatically converted to true and false and will send a warning to the logfile.

  • group_role

    • Assign the user to one of available roles.


      • TEST_TAKER

      • GRADER

    • If this field is left empty, the default role is TEST_TAKER.

    • Users cannot have more than one role in a given group. However, users can have different roles in different groups; this is managed by adding users in a separate row for each group/role they are assigned.

  • group_user_active

    • Confirms a user’s group and role assignments.

    • To add a user to the given group with the role specified in the group_role field, set the value to TRUE.

    • If the value is set to FALSE or if left empty, the user will be removed from the given group.

group_user_active is not yet included in the template downloaded from the Portal. This field can be added to a CSV file to perform the function in this description; if it is not included, the behavior is the same as if it was included with TRUE value.

Updating a user in an existing group

  1. To update a user, you need to enter the mandatory entity values (username). All other values can be updated.

  2. If a value in a column is left blank, the corresponding value is removed (if it is not mandatory, otherwise it will trigger an error).

  3. If a value in a column has a new value, it will replace the previous value.

  4. If the column is removed, the existing value will be kept.

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