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πŸŽ‰ TAO January 2025 Release Highlights! πŸŽ‰

TAO Authoring updates & fixes:

  • Improved flexibility for partial scoring: Test authors are now allowed to define any score range (including negative) when using Map Response as the response processing for choice interactions. By default, the minimum score range is now 0 (instead of 1).

  • New search operators: Improved advanced search by adding new operators for criteria with multiple values: exact match, in, not in. This improvement aims at providing users with greater flexibility when searching in properties that can hold multiple values from a list.

  • Introducing navigation breaks within a test: With the help of a new Entry PCI, test authors can now introduce a breaking point within a test. Test-takers can continue the test beyond the item containing the new PCI only after entering the correct code.

  • Fixed: Fixed an issue where the label of a test was being inadvertently replaced by its title following QTI import.

  • Fixed: Previously, when importing QTI packages with the new "QTI metadata as properties" option selected, some properties were not imported. 

  • Fixed: Previously, images inserted in the Text Reader interaction were limited to the β€œinline” position. There are now other placement options available. 

  • Fixed: Previously, it was impossible to remove a passage added as part of a prompt or within a choice option.

TAO Advance updates & fixes:

  • Better usability for the test-takers: Improved the usability for the session overview window; this improvement aims at making it easier for the test-taker to understand how to submit the test or return to its questions.

TAO Portal updates & fixes:

  • Flexible organization management: Organization management is now a default feature; organization management allows users to manage the hierarchy of their organization, while limiting data visibility for users based on their assigned Organization Unit. Please note that this functionality will be gradually enabled to all of our users in the following weeks.

  • New item states: Introducing new item states: seen, not seen, and updated the skipped state. Seen means viewed and submitted without a score being computed. Not seen means the item wasn’t viewed. Skipped now means viewed but unanswered.

  • Fixed: Fixed the export of the activity report into PDF.

  • Fixed: Fixed the sorting of columns in the users table for the group creation / editing screen.

  • Fixed: Fixed the display of the number of test takers, scorers, and group managers in the groups table when editing or creating a user.

These updates are designed to streamline our processes and enhance the usability and effectiveness of the TAO platform. We value your feedback and are committed to continually improving your testing experience. Thank you for your continued support!

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