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πŸŽ‰ TAO December 2024 Release Highlights! πŸŽ‰

TAO Grader updates & fixes:

  • New colors available for the highlighter tool: There are now five available colors when highlighting text in TAO Grader (previously, only three were available). If you are interested in this possibility, please reach out to your Account Manager to configure it.

TAO Portal updates & fixes:

  • Ability to configure time limits for the associated deliveries within a battery: Added optional time limits for the deliveries associated with any battery. The time limits are considered when launching a battery, so that only deliveries for which the current date is within their defined time limits will be launched. Please note that the battery feature is in the BETA stage. 

  • Ability to assign batteries to sessions: Extended the use of batteries so that, if enabled, they can be assigned to a session in the Portal. Please note that the battery feature is in the BETA stage. 

  • Improved the β€œtime spent” counting mechanism: Consolidated the mechanism used to measure the time spent by a test-taker on a test and on individual questions. With this improvement, reports, results, and monitored data will show the correct information.

  • Fixed: Fixed the incorrect display of test-taker sessions to back-office users.

  • Fixed: Fixed the incorrect display of sessions from deactivated groups to test-takers. 

These updates are designed to streamline our processes and enhance the usability and effectiveness of the TAO platform. We value your feedback and are committed to continually improving your testing experience. Thank you for your continued support!

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