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πŸŽ‰ TAO September 2024 Release Highlights! πŸŽ‰

TAO Authoring updates & fixes:

  • CSS stylesheets for passages: When authoring a passage, users can now import a CSS stylesheet to be applied to the passage (or shared stimulus). This feature requires the use of TAO Advance as the test delivery engine.

  • Hottext multiple words: When authoring a Hottext interaction, users are now able to create hot texts for multiple words at once by using the new β€œmagic wand” button. This functionality becomes available when a phrase or paragraph is selected.

  • Center images: The possibility to center images while building items is now available.

  • Single list Order interaction: The Order interaction now includes the possibility to sort or order a single list inline. This feature is included with the existing functionality to sort from a source list to a target (blank) list.

  • Fixed: When deleting all interactions from an item, all outcome declarations configured for the item are removed.

TAO Advance updates & fixes:

  • TTS skips math questions: In order to avoid confusion when reading complex mathematical expressions, the text-to-speech engine will skip by default all mathematical expressions and will advise the test-taker to take a look at them instead.

  • Automated item timer: Whenever an item timer is defined as part of a linear test, if the minimum and maximum duration are identical, the test navigation buttons will be disabled and the test-taker is moved automatically to the next item when the timer expires.

  • Enforce interaction constraints: The option to enforce constraints for Choice, Hottext and Extended text interactions (during the test execution by the test-takers) is now available. If you are interested in enabling this feature, please reach out to your Account Manager.

  • Hide constraints instructions: The option to hide (from the test-takers) all TAO-generated instructions related to constraints is now available. If the instructions are hidden, no warnings will display when constraints are met.

  • Restrict non-linear navigation: The option to restrict non-linear navigation so that users can freely go back to any item, but can only go forward to the next item is now available. If you are interested in enabling this feature, please contact your Account Manager.

  • Fixed: The language for TAO Advance test delivery will match the language defined in the logged on user’s TAO Portal account.

TAO Portal updates & fixes:

  • Experimental: The behavior of the experimental functionality, which allows exporting full deliveries into DOCX format, is now improved.

  • Fixed: Some sessions were not properly auto-submitted, despite their configuration.

These updates are designed to streamline our processes and enhance the usability and effectiveness of the TAO platform. We value your feedback and are committed to continually improving your testing experience. Thank you for your continued support!

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